Friday, October 8, 2010

Deep Fried Oreos and a Bald Spot.

I went to the Dixie Classic Fair last Wednesday night, and it was like nothing I have ever seen before. I felt like I was walking through the set of a classic horror movie. Everywhere you turn there was a human anomaly, those weird bent mirrors that make you look like you're 500lbs., and all the fried things you could imagine. And of course, my curiosity got the best of me, because I tried the deep fried oreos--might as well have chugged a bottle of oil. I don't really recommend them :)
ALSO, on a more random note, I realized this past weekend that I am developing a bald spot! I think it's been there for a while too...and no one has told me! I have always parted my hair to my left. Well apparently, from frequent partage, I suppose, that part of my head has decided to stop producing genuine locks, and gone on strike. There are only some baby fuzzies that are brave enough to grace the day. Well, after this realization, and embarrassment from walking around displaying my naked scalp, I decided to take action. I parted my hair the other way. This did not work. Unbridled pony to the fullest, there was a complete objection from all participants. Awkward strands kept popping out and random pieces made a home right in front of my eyes--my whole face was thrown off balance. Not pretty. I fought against the prevailing naked-side part for two days. They were a long, hard, and demoralizing two days. I surrendered. Fortunately though, we did reach a compromise. Clearly, opposite parting was not going to work, but I was most definitely not going to continue sporting the naked head look. A mild mom-looking side part was developed. The same side was kept, but only enough to avoid the "butt crack" center part, while still covering the exposed area. I think this will be least until the frequent partage here takes it's toll, but that will be a conflict for another day.

1 comment:

  1. haha. oh Aimie. ok first of all, you are a really good writer! i don't think i'd ever read anything of yours before this blog. second...i never noticed you having a "bald spot". are you sure you aren't making this up?! and thirdly...after reading this i became paranoid and examined my own part and you can see my scalp... is that bad?! should i be embarrassed? i now don't know what to think. and thirdly, i just about puked reading about the deep fried oreo. who would dare disgrace and oreo like that!
